Monday, December 24, 2007

Now That I Think About It, There's Really No Need For Me To Be Scared Of Vampires Anymore.

I mean, the AIDS probably killed off most of the vampires back in the 80's I imagine. And quite honestly, even if there are any vampires left, between HIV, Hep C, Ebola and a host of other blood-borne diseases, they are probably more afraid of us these days than we are of them.

In your face vampires.


Unknown said...

Nah, a real vampire is immune to disease. They're immortal, after all.

Madam Z said...

Vampires are probably the ones responsible for the spread of AIDS! Let's give the bloodsuckers a dose of Zetia!

Gourmandish said...

DOCTOR: Mr. Smith, I'm afraid I have some bad news. You seem to have contracted HIV. Have you had any unprotected sex in the past years?


DOCTOR: Any blood transfusions?


DOCTOR: Well, you picked up the virus from somewhere. Can you think of anything else that may have led to you contracting it?

MR. SMITH: Must have been that damn vampire that bit me....