Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Wouldn't It Be His Partner That Would Need Help Getting Excited?

Our doctor shopping, narcotic addict friend Rush Limbaugh is back in the news again. Yup, it's a drug problem, but not what you might think:

Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh was detained at Palm Beach International Airport for the possible possession of illegal prescription drugs Monday evening.

Limbaugh was returning on a flight from the Dominican Republic when customs officials found a Viagra prescription that did not bear his name. Instead, the bottle of pills had the names of two doctors on it according to the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office.

Two questions:

Rush Limbaugh being who he is, obtaining a legitimate prescription for Viagra would be as hard as saying "get me some Viagra!" to his personal assistant. Read this post to see how difficult it is to order a doctor around. Why the need to get some in the Dominican Republic?

Customs allows a person to bring back a 90 day supply of a medicine for personal use if it was obtained legally in the country they just visited. People take advantage of this "Mexican loophole" everyday. So why the shady semi-legitimate Dominican bottle?

My theory; The Dominican Republic is known for it's....um...."adult" resorts. Like this one, or this one, or maybe this one. You get the idea. So let's say upon checking into one of these um, "resorts" you find a little gift pack. Not implausible that such a thing might have a few Viagra in it, now is it? If there are any real journalists out there reading this, or even someone from the National Enquirer........PPPPPPLLLLEEEAAAAASSSSSSEEEEEEEE follow up. Just remember who gave you the tip......

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