Saturday, April 03, 2010

One More Bit Of Blasphemy To Round Out This Holy Weekend.

So...let me see if I have this straight. God sends his only son down here because he has to die for the sins of humanity. Which somehow makes Christianity a monotheistic religion.

OK, fine. But is there any reason this son had to be such a drama queen about it? Any reason he couldn't have just lived to a ripe old age and then died of a tragic heart attack? I think Jesus was being a bit selfish by provoking his own crucifixion the way he did. After all, didn't he pretty much end up robbing us of 40 or 50 more years of teachings with that little stunt of his?

Yeah, it was all about you, wasn't it Jesus? Can't help but notice how you made sure you got the cross in the center.

If I remember correctly, Gautama Buddha inspired one of the world's major religions while living to be 80 years old. Evidently The Buddha got by on talent, and not on cheap theatrics like some deities.

None of this will stop me from eating a ham tomorrow though. While I think Jesus has a lot to learn from The Buddha, I also think the idea of having a special meat to mark your holidays is a good one.


JanB said...

God gave his law and his rules for sacrifice to the Hebrews. He knew that they could not be made holy through living according to a set of rules, but only by faith. The law was sent to convict men of their sins and their need for a Savior.

God sent Jesus to be the only acceptable sacrifice for all sin - past present and future to those who believe on Him.

Jesus spent His three year ministry teaching those that followed Him so that they could spread the word after his fulfillment of the prophecies in scripture by His death and resurrection.

I enjoy your blog, thanks for writing it.

Anonymous said...

Dear DM, it's all part of this humanity; diverse influences from the wisdom of civilizations under guidance of the Divine.

Do well to continue questioning...

The answer as in the book is not the same for everyone, but many of us think eventually we will come to the same conclusions. (My opinion.)

Anonymous said...

I like to refer to Easter as Zombie Jesus Day

r0t said...

Please stop capitalizing "he" and "him."

Also, technically, it's not zombie jesus day.. he returns with conscious thought and magical abilities, so he's really more of a lich.

midwest woman said...

You might enjoy South Park's Hare Club For Men the Easter Special...I don't know why but I think Trey Stone and Matt Parker also know a thing or two about certain kinds of pharmacuticals. Or they're just geniuses.

pacalaga said...

Drugmonkey, if you read your Heinlein you'd remember that this particular God is jealous, and a bit of a drama queen in general. And also, the angels are real assholes. Satan and Thor, however, can throw a rockin' party.

Nurse Bettie said...

This nonbeliever enjoyed ham as well. But just how did a pork product come to be the default dinner choice for celebrating the resurrection of an observant Jew?

Oh Hell, who cares? Pass the ham, boychickel.

Madam Z said...

Jesus the "drama queen." I love it! Almost as much as I love Anonymous's designation of easter sunday as "Zombie Jesus Day."

Blasphemy rocks!