Thursday, September 11, 2008

I See A Bad Moon Rising

    The warmth surrounded the members of the White Blood Cell patrol the way a swarm of old people surround a pharmacy gate 5 minutes before it's scheduled to open. Surrounded just a little too much, thought the captain as they cleared the capillary pass and started to merge onto the vein highway. The captain could sense something was wrong. It was a little too warm. 

   "We might have to go into the lymph" He told the rest of the patrol. This captain could sense trouble the way a cat can sense that it should poop only in the littlerbox. 

   Two hours later they found it. Or rather, the confused private found it. Six months ago he was a stem cell back in the marrow and looked out over a future of limitless opprotunites. He decided to join The White Blood Cell Corps because he thought it would be a good way to get out and see the body. He also needed money to get into Nerve Cell University. He wanted to study music, but now he had a protein shell in his hands. 

    "What is it Capt'n?"

     "I was afraid of this, but I didn't want to scare you men. The viruses are shedding. We're gonna have a fight on our hands." 

    A stunned silence washed over the patrol. The Captain was the only one who could remember the last viral war. "Don't worry men. It won't be anything we can't handle. Just pray to your momma the bacteria don't get involved though. Things get ugly when the bacteria get involved."

    The first skirmish didn't go well. To the boy from Marrow it seemed almost as if the viruses were manufacturing themselves faster than they could be killed. The Captain said later that's exactly what they do. They hijack innocent cells and manufacture themselves.

    "Don't worry son. The antibodies are on the way. If it's just a fight with the viruses the antibioties will be all we need" 

    The boy was afraid to ask, but the Captain knew what was on his mind. "You have to be ready for the bacteria son. We might get chemical backup, but we might not. Surrounding these little specks of zombie protein is nothing compared to eating a bacteria alive.  You have to be ready for that."

    The boy started to weep softly. 

    That is the state of my immune system tonight my friends. I have a cold. 

    Pray the bacteria do not come. 


Anonymous said...

This almost makes me like your cold... cause it makes you weirder..

Anonymous said...

Thats a funny description of a cold - I like it!

You know the drill - drink lots of fluid, rest, sleep, 5-7 days it will all be gone & your antibodies will be up for the season.

Perhaps this will be all you'll get this year.

Hang in......

Anonymous said...

You should write a physiology textbook

Frantic Pharmacist said...

Godspeed, DrugMonkey. I too await my annual fall cold. My technician blew her nose today and asked me, "What does it mean when you have fluorescent yellow snot?"

Unknown said...

Yup...the kids are back in school, kindergarden and welcome colds and episode at Thanksgiving followed by the Christmas series. Oh and when you go to the restaurant next time, count the number of people who wash their hands before eating...

Anonymous said...

dude.. don't you know you gotta lay off the scotch when you're sick??

that was a pretty kick ass description though!

Mike Craycraft said...

Great description. You may have missed your calling as a fiction writer...maybe even children books. However, be a good pharmacist and wait 7 days before you turn to that chemical backup.

Dragonfly said...

This made my day:-) Hope your white cells win the battle and soon (and that the pus of the fallen soldier may soon be cleared).

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, Professor DrugMonkey, but when are you going to be holding office hours?

Will there be extra credit on the exam? ;)

Anonymous said...

That was awesome!!! I think I'm gonna print it out for my nursing professors... They should get a kick out of it...

Anonymous said...


