Monday, October 08, 2007

Tonight I Catch George Bush In A Lie. It Really Wasn't That Hard.

Presidential debates are like playoff games for political nerds, and it may shock you to hear I am a bit of a political nerd. So much so that I remember these debates and their highlights long after they have been tossed onto the ash heap of history. Much the same way you may have the image of Carlton Fisk guiding a World Series ball to the right side of the foul pole during the '75 world series burned into your brain, I shall always remember moments such as "you, sir are no Jack Kennedy" and the way that phrase went on to help our team kick Dan Quayle's ass in 1988.

Wait, never mind. It was Carlton Fisk's Red Sox that got their ass kicked the night after that home run. I forgot.

At any rate, it's not just the big moments I remember in these debates. I can clearly recall Al Gore giving George the Lessor some flack about the state of health care in Texas during a debate in 2000. I found George's response more than a bit amusing:

Our CHIPS program got a late start because our government meets only four months out of every two years, Mr. Vice President. It may come as a shock for somebody who has been in Washington for so long. But actually limited government can work in the second largest state in the union.

Sooooo.........Texas got a late start implementing its SCHIP program, a state/federal partnership to provide health insurance to uninsured children, because its legislature is in session only 17% of the time. Hundreds of thousands of children had to wait for the coverage they were eligible for because the members of the Texas legislature couldn't get off their lazy ass.

And the lesson to be learned from this, according to George W. Bush, was that this shows limited government can work. I may have been the only person in the country to get the irony.

And he really did call it the "CHIPS" program. That probably surprises no one. It was really mean to get Erik Estrada's hope for a comeback up like that though.

I buried this memory, along with all others associated with the election in 2000, which will go down someday as the beginning of the end times, until I heard this snippet in Bush the Lessor's Saturday radio address a couple weeks ago:

I strongly supported SCHIP as a governor, and have strongly supported it as President.

This is the kind of shit that drives me crazy. Tee totally bat shit crazy. A lie. A straight out boldface lie. Not spin doctoring or torturing the truth like a high value detainee, but a goddamn lie. Unless you call being unwilling to call the legislature into session strong support, unless you call missing out on $618.2 million the federal government was willing to give your state strong support. Just in case you're not getting this, allow me to bring the "Bullshit Exposure Through Dramatization Players" out quickly to demonstrate what Bush calls "strong support"

Federal Government: "Hi, I'd like to give you six hundred million dollars to help you provide health insurance coverage for your state's children."

Governor Bush: "I support your idea so strongly I will take none of this money"

Jesus Christ I wish Bush would give the troops the same kind of strong support he gives sick children. At least he didn't lie about a blowjob though. It's much better to have a president, the person we hire to run the federal government, lie about matters of federal government policy.

It's also much better to have a media structure where the lead story on the CBS Evening News can be that a lot of people will be traveling over the Thanksgiving holiday and some guy with a computer is exposing the lies of the most powerful person on the planet.

End times indeed. We're fucked.


Anonymous said...

Brilliant work. I think I'm in love with you.

Anonymous said...

Back off, anonymous. There's only so much love his small, coal-like black heart can take, and I'm on deck.

Sarah said...

I was just ranting about this type of thing, lies from Bush, this morning with some coworkers. In my case though I was ranting about his "justification" for not supporting the SCHIPS bill he vetoed. I also think it is great how he will support a bill in place of SCHIPS that will give a tax credit to those that DO purchase private health insurance when the people on SCHIPS don't HAVE affordable health insurance available, and also due to the fact that they are lower income, most don't pay enough tax (if any) to benefit from his tax credit. Just more, albeit better concealed, lies.

Anonymous said...

Good political take.
Now, for the love of God, get back to the play by play report of the tom-foolery that befouls you in the pharmacy!!!!

Unknown said...

This is all of a piece with how Bush helped Texas develop a worse air pollution problem than Los Angeles, then decimated the Clean Air Act. He definitely owns stock in albuterol.

End of times is right. What we should take odds on is HOW this guy is gonna kill the planet. Air pollution? The war he's going to start in Iran now, triggering a 'partial' nuclear war? Arsenic in the water? Let's start a pool!

Anonymous said...

I swear, I am not defending Bush, but the program is called CHIPS in Texas.
It even says that on the cards, in fact CHIPS is the group number we have to use.
That doesn't mean he isn't an idiot, it just means that technically he was right on that one occasion.