Saturday, April 07, 2007

You'd Think On The Day They Killed Jesus People Could Back Off A Little Bit, Out Of Respect For What The Man Went Through.

.....but no. It was fucking busy, and the stupidity was flying like the blood from a punctured side. Everyone who came in the store Friday is going to burn in hell.

A sampler from today's stupidity platter.

Call me at work sometime and this is what you'll hear:

"Thank you for calling large corpo pharmacy......for the pharmacy, press 3 now....."

"If you are a doctor or doctor's representative, press 1 now....."

"If you would like to speak to a pharmacist, press 2 now......."

Only after you complete these steps will you hear me say:

"Hi this is the pharmacist, may I help you?"

This is what i got in return:

"Oh, I must have a wrong number. I meant to call Denny's"

Later I had the following actual conversation with another person who somehow made it through the voicemail maze:

Customer: "Is my prescription ready?"

Me: "Yes, I have 1 here ready to go for you."

Customer: "One tablet?"

Me: "No, one prescription."

Customer: "How many tablets?"

Me: "There are 30 tablets"

Customer: "I've never heard of 30 tablets before"

I did not doubt this.

Customer: "What does that mean, 30 tablets?"

I am now going to forget these things ever happened and begin to ponder other things, such as what Jesus did all weekend before he got his ass moving again, and why Good Friday isn't considered the holiday of all holidays for devil worshippers. The warmth of scotch hitting my stomach as I think this over will comfort me, as will the knowledge that everyone who came in my store on this holy day is going to burn in hell.


Cathy said...

Never heard of 30 tablets before? lol..Seriously, how can someone be this stupid? Your job would drive me to drink also!

Romius T. said...

o jesus

Pepperpourri said...

Haha, this is really funny. I wonder what was that customer thinking.