Monday, April 23, 2007

I Commit A Bit Of A Faux Pas In The Name Of Customer Service, And Other Highlights From The Weeks Pill Counting Action

The old bat at the counter was looking for come cockamamie pill concoction she had seen hustled on late night TV. Happens all the time. She was clutching an ad in her hand and was bellowing out the usual "DO YOU STOCK THIS?" The kind of thing that happens a few thousand times a week. This time I caught a break and saw the store manager out of the corner of my eye.

"There's your man right there ma'am" I said "He's the one to help you." It was then that I saw the words BETTER SEX FOR WOMEN Splashed across the top of the ad. Um, whoops.

I should also add the store manager is gay.


Customer: "Can I mix some Absolut vodka with my prescription here?"

Me: "Probably not the best idea"

Customer: "Well is there maybe another type of alcohol I could use?"

I have to admit I admired the spirit behind that question.


Customer: "What's a good topical antibiotic? My sister said to get one."

Me: "Try some Neosporin, it's down the first aid aisle"

Customer: "That's not what she said."

Release the scotch. Goodnight.


philskaren said...

All i have to say is, at least she had the freaking ad in her hand. I had to get down right mean with a guy to get him to understand that I do not have time or desire to stay up and watch late night infomercials and so I had NO IDEA about the product he was talking about. He just kept insisting that it was on TV and that I MUST have seen the commercial.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I HATE that. That and "I need that stuff Paul Harvey talks about on the radio" Dude, I thought Paul Harvey was dead. If not, someone should KILL him. I am not 150 years old. I DO NOT listen to Paul Harvey. I have NO IDEA what you are talking about!!

Jenn Siva said...

Ah you pharmacists always raining on people's parades. Personally I would have been annoyed at someone drinking such a shitty vodka.

Elliott said...

My wife had this question from a patient with a brand-new g-tube, "Do I need to flush it with water after putting scotch down it?"

Filet-o-bitch RPh said...

check out our blog fight under customer complaint at

we would love for you to comment, drug monkey.

DrugMonkey, Master of Pharmacy said...

If I ever get a g-tube, I'll be thinking the same thing......

Mc RPh said...

I hear Paul Harvey has a g-tube. He fills it with methadone and hooker saliva mostly though.

philskaren said...

yes, a g-tube would require much "mental numbing"

Katie Schwartz said...

unrelated note: vicodinfairy? that is fucking hysterical.

back to the drug nazi's post... I thought drugs and booze were standard. this should be inspiring to the suicide set or disconcerting depending on where you fall on the suicide ladder.