Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Not To Be Solely Negative.....

.....there are parts of my job that I don't hate. Emergency Contraception for instance. I work in a state where you can get the "morning after" pill from me, as opposed to having to get a prescription from your doctor. At first, I admit it, I thought it was just gonna be a big pain in the ass to deal with. But here's the thing, when these women come to the counter, they're in a jam and need help, and if you go to the most hardened, crusty, cynical healthcare professional and strip away the years of lifeplaque that the workplace has deposited around their soul, you'll find at the core that the reason they went into this profession so long ago had at least something to do with helping people. Secondly, every time I do an emergency contraception fill, it's like sticking a finger in the eye and sending out a big 'ol F**K YOU to every right wing jihadist that runs this country today. You see, the morning after pill should by the standards applied to every other drug, already be available completely over the counter. An FDA advisory committee recommended that it's status should be switched, only to be overruled by the FDA as a whole. Tell any health care professional that. That the FDA overruled one of it's advisory committees. I'll guarentee you what they'll say......... "They never do that!!" do it to three or four people, it'll be like you're in your own little Seinfeld episode with a running gag line.

So if they "never do that" why did they this time? Simple. Politics. Because this administration hates women and would rather keep them tied down, poor and controlled with an unwanted child than by having to compete with them on the open job market. That's why I don't mind making the dmv wonders and vicodin addicts wait a little bit so I can fill out the paperwork involved in an emergency contraception filling. There are few things I can do during the workday more important than keeping a woman out from under the control of George W Bush and his ilk.


Stephanie said...

You blog is Awesome! So funny! http://inlovewithabadidea.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

It's 2 years later, and I'm reading your post for the first time.

Right on!