Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Little Rite Aid Southern California Strike Rumor Mongering. I unemployed now or am I writer? I just spent a good 15 minutes staring out the window pondering that question. You'd be surprised how busy I've been with the writing stuff of late. Had to learn how to use the calendar function on my Blackberry I did. I've had that thing for four years and never felt the need to learn the calendar function until this month.

On the other hand, I still have a Blackberry, which would be a phone for the unemployed.

And I still start the day with an automated e-mail from CalJobs, the state website for those who aspire to better cellphones. You can set up a profile there, then have it search its database every night for the type of jobs you're looking for and report back to you first thing in the morning. Or second thing, after a cup of coffee that I can never seem to make strong enough. Wait. Third thing. Usually gotta pee right out of bed. And clean out Spooky's litterbox.

Anyway, the job listings are there when you're ready.

Yesterday's looked pretty promising for awhile, right up top there was a pharmacist position just down the coast a little ways. It wasn't a hospital, which I have my fingers crossed for if I can ever find one that doesn't require hospital experience, but maybe it was a cool indy, perhaps with a compounding practice. I think it'd be kinda cool to get some mad compounding skillz.....

Shit. It was Rite Aid. The company whose commitment to protecting scabs from hearing any mean words as they take part in the destruction of our profession is the reason I'm getting these e-mails in the first place.

On to the next one.....Rite Aid....dammit.

Next.....Rite Aid.

After that.....Rite Aid. I am not kidding you. Sixty-nine postings for Rite Aid pharmacists. Followed by another thirty-one today. This is one page of five:

 So...a company has 100 job openings for pharmacists, in one state, almost literally overnight. Let's use Mr. Brain and see if we can come up with any theories as to why.

I'll give you one clue. There are 124 colleges of pharmacy in the country today. I learned that while I was researching some writing stuff. In 2000 there were 81. Process that while you're thinking about whether the major pharmacist shortages of the 90's have returned.

You know, I'm in a good mood, so I'll give you two clues. Rite Aid is looking at the possibility of a strike in its Southern California stores.

I think we might have our answer.

A storm's coming my friends. And don't kid yourself. No matter where you work, or who you work for, this is a last stand. You know damn well what's happened to our profession in the last 20 years. If you need a reminder, next time you come home from work, I want you to look in the mirror, think about how your day went, and tell yourself you are a professional.

Seriously. Try it. Let me know how far you get.

If you ever want that professionalism back my friends, you're going to have to confront the forces that now control pharmacy. Try it yourself and you'll probably be as successful as telling that person in the mirror how valued you are for your medical skills. You need to get in the face of power and advocate for your interests, and if you go in there alone you will be chewed up and spat right back out.

Unions, however, get in the face of power and advocate for their members. That's pretty much their whole purpose. Lord knows they've done a half-ass job of it for the last generation or two, but the last scrap of infrastructure is still there, for now. With a lot of effort, it can be repaired. Once we lose this last bit though, it's gone forever.

How would you like a contract that says flu shot quotas are unethical? Only one way you're gonna get it. Repair that infrastructure and get in the face of power.

Or, you could always go to California City for $68 an hour. That has pretty much been the way of the last 20 years and you see where that's gotten us.  I always wondered how much someone's honor was worth.

I'm going to get ready for bed now. Looking myself right in the mirror as I brush my teeth, and sleeping tonight like a baby.


PharmD Blogger said...

DrugMonkey, you know business is taking over our profession. It is all about the numbers. Corporate doesn't care about the health of our patients. They just want you to sign up patients for autofill, courtesy refills, or whatever your pharmacy calls it, so they can make money. They might say the are looking out for the interest of the patient and to make it more convenient for you, but it is 99% lies. The only facet that is being explored right now in big chain retail that will help our patients and make some money are MTMs. This strike is for the care of patients and for our profession. We, as pharmacists, need to come together under one organization and come up with some standards that all pharmacy businesses must follow. Only then will we get what we need to take care of our patients and utilize our knowledge to the fullest.

Anonymous said...

If I was a Palmdale (or wherever)lawyer i would be busily writing down license #'s of whoever is working in these joints for future use. If i was a malpractice insurance co I would not cover them. If I was a potential stock holder I would be shorting..If I bothered at all..

Peter tietjens said...

Yes, DM, unions have earned their bad rap. BUT - as one organizer told me -- your union is only as good as the people you elect to represent you. Elect some corrupt incompetent asshole and you're going to have a corrupt incompetent asshole union. Elect caring competent ethical representatives and voila! a competent ethical union.

I get so tired of hearing people complain about unions, especially those who've never had any contact or experience with unions.

You're right -- y'all don't have many alternatives left and if you continue to remain silent, grit your teeth, and say things like "I don't like unions" without knowing anything about them, those alternatives will continue to dwindle.

Anonymous said...

The best use of union power in this situation would be to have an AVALANCHE of Rx transfers out of any scab staffed Rite-Aid stores. Not just the UFCW, but all the other unions they can enlist in this.

Anonymous said...

I hope it's ok with DM that I re-post this here. There seems to be a lot of anti-union sentiment in the pharmacy profession. I believe that it's irrational and based largely on ignorance with respect to what a union is and the role labor organizations in our economic system. So, here:
"Remedial Labor 101:
Labor is a commodity. It's price is governed by the same supply and demand forces that govern the prices of other commodities. When supply exceeds demand the price is forced downwards. If the commodity is you, your employer can get away with paying you what you are worth MINUS some amount related to the ease with which you can be replaced. This situation is known as "unfair competition" and the elimination of "unfair competition" is the fundamental reason why we have and why we need labor unions.
To beat "unfair competition", the union must be able to require that everyone employed in a job category be a member. This is called a "union shop". In opposition to the union shop, many favor so-called "right to work" laws. These are laws that restrict the unions' ability to demand membership from everybody. Watch for this trick.
In pharmacy there is a tendency to expect good treatment from a corporate employer. As long as the employer can replace you with David or me or him or her, your job is not safe and you will be subject to all sorts of abuse. The company does not work for you. It works for its stockholders. This is proper in a capitalist economy. But just as vendors, drug companies, third parties, governments, etc. put pressure on the company, we must, too. There is nothing wrong or unprofessional about that. Unions are just another feature of capitalism, which is our system. I don't understand our reluctance to use them."
Hope that helps a little.