Thursday, April 28, 2011

It's A Little Sad Opening Up The Mailbag These Days.

Of course these days "opening up the mailbag" means "checking your email" which means "glancing down at your Blackberry." And ever since my latest column in Drug Topics about Walgreen's POWER program appeared a few days ago, it seems like every time I glance down at the Blackberry there's another message from a Walgreen's pharmacist telling the same story.

We're too rushed.

I can't keep up.

They're breaking me.

It's not safe.

It's getting worse.

I read a tale today that absolutely made my hair curl, but I won't share it with you. Walgreen's is big and bad and has all the resources a multi billion dollar cash flow can put at their disposal you see, and while I'm not particularly worried about what they could do to me, I decided it's not worth risking what they might do to some poor schlep who's just trying to feed his family and needed a shoulder to cry on. Walgreen's was not amused at the appearance of the letter from one of their pharmacists that started all this, and I'm still not sure of the exact contents of the conversation they had with Drug Topics' editor.

So words that would have appeared on this page never will. Perhaps if I really wanted to share them I would go to your doctor and buy his prescription records.

That last sentence wasn't the nightly scotch kicking in. It seems as if we have a little different definition of free speech rights these days than you might remember from civics class. From yesterday's Los Angeles Times:

A Vermont law bans pharmacies from selling doctors' confidential prescription records to drug makers. Firms say they have a free-speech right to buy and sell information to market their products.

At issue is whether states can forbid pharmacies from selling to drug makers the confidential prescription records of physicians. Armed with this information, drug company salesmen have targeted doctors who are not prescribing new and costly brand-name drugs. 
A Vermont state lawyer, backed by the Obama administration, argued that no one had a 1st Amendment right to this "inside information." 
But Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. said the state was "censoring" the message of the drug company salespeople.

Thank God. If only someone would have stopped Hitler when he cut off Bayer's access to medical records in the Third Reich. I basked in the glow that surely must have been the smiles of the founding fathers beaming down from heaven as I read this story.

Then I deleted what was going to be my original post about Walgreen's. That is the state of free speech in turn of the 21st century America. Words are stopped and your prescription records are sold. And although the words "freedom of speech" appear clearly in the Constitution and the word "corporation" never does, it doesn't matter.

Because they are breaking you.

And it's getting worse.


Moral Nomad said...

I guess the fact there are no comments means you all are being broken. Maybe I would be, too. One thing that's amazed me in all my years working with pharmacists is their inability to say no. Until you guys - and I am not suggesting this is easy - stop showing up for work on a massive scale to protest unsafe or overstressed working conditions, the corporations know they can get just that much more out of you next time. Draw a line, for christ's sake or you will be having this same goddamn conversation twenty years from now, only with much less leverage.

Anonymous said...

No comments to this post is more indicative of the hopelessness associated with the situation than pharmacists being broken, although that is not far off. Read any pharmacy blog/forum and you'll see the same comments and concerns. What do we do? Not showing up for work, complaining, filing lawsuits, etc. is a great way to get fired and black-balled and be left buried under a mountain of school loan debt. Let's face the facts, the pharmacist shortage is over. Your boss is not going to beg you to stay like in 2004. The chains have us right where they want us. You will do what is neccessary or you will be shown the door and a new-grad with a $100,000 loan debt will gladly take your place. This is business, big business, and we are employees. Pharmacy is going down a path I want no part of. I look for a way out on a daily basis. I'm not interested in trying to change things because it is most definitely a losing battle. Everyone has to make their own decisions. Is your happiness, dignity and self-respect worth $110,000/year?

Anonymous said...

Woe to those who resist or even complain. You will be history faster than the 20 seconds required to answer the phone.

Anonymous said...

Our problem is pharmacists do not own the profession. Pharmacists also need to learn to not do things for free, like being asked to do 150 flu shots without paid training or incentive pay in top of everyday workflow, etc.

Anonymous said...

How depressing that your original post was deleted... as a WAG slave, I'd love to read what you have to say..

Anonymous said...

Will your original post about WAG ever see the light of day? I'm really interested in seeing what the "hair culring" e-mail was about ...