Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bill O'Reilly Demonstrates The Effect Of Cuts To Education Funding.

Another reason my TV isn't turned on much these days. Because when they don't expect us to be entertained by people losing weight, they give us this when we look for informed commentary on the day's events:

We have 10 times as many people, and millions who instead of laughing this man off the air when he decisively proves his unfamiliarity with basic mathematical concepts, will tune in to watch him the next day.

Not me.

It's lonely not being dumb sometimes.


Thom Foolery said...

"It's lonely not being dumb sometimes."

We monkeys have to stick together.

Anonymous said...

Oh god....

I didn't think it was possible, but I now hate Bill O'Reilly even more.

I knew he was egotistical and obnoxious... but mildly retarded as well?
Who knew?

Anonymous said...

Finally, Mr. O'Reilly has explained in terms that I can understand why there seems to be 10x more stupidity in America than the rest of the developed world.

Cap'n Cakez said...

Maybe it was hyperbole and he wasn't really serious about 10 million people more? I hope anyway...

Anonymous said...

wow, what a tremendous douche

Andrea said...

As if the people that watch fox news aren't dumb enough.