Monday, June 08, 2009

A Quickie Trip Into The Healthcare Debate Shows Us Just How Completely We Are Ruled By Our Corporate Masters.

From a Saturday New York Times Story on the looming health care battle royale:

But critics argue that with low administrative costs and no need to produce profits, a public plan will start with an unfair pricing advantage. fairness, we need to allow the private insurance industry to spend a higher percentage of healthcare dollars on administrative costs. It's somehow unfair if we don't.

And there's evidently some fundamental need for people to make money off of other people's illnesses. It would be deeply unfair if we didn't allow cancer profits.

That's their argument.

The battle is about to begin, and we need to take them down.


Unknown said...

Are you fucking kidding me? That is so rich. I need to tell you about my potential new job.

Anonymous said...

I can't friggin wait till the big ones fall! Justice will be served!

Anonymous said...

Check out this tip from an alert reader:

Anonymous said...

"But critics argue that with low administrative costs and no need to produce profits, a public plan will start with an unfair pricing advantage."

Thank you captain obvious... jeesh.

Cracked Pestle said...

Aw, poor beleaguered insurance moguls. Somebody call the waaaaaambulance.

Anonymous said...

This makes my head hurt.

Chip said...

That's not the argument at all, and this is stupid.

I'm glad you all work for subsistence wages and give every extra dime you earn to the poor folks who don't have your education, ability, or work ethic.

I mean, you do that, right? Because heaven forbid you make a shiny dime selling meds to cancer patients.

But my guess is you'll say that's not profit, at all, it's part of the administrative costs. Keep lying to yourself, if you like, because they'll bleed you out in the end anyway. You're practically begging them to do it.

DrugMonkey, Master of Pharmacy said...


You, like so many on the right wing, operate under the belief that your paycheck is reflective of your moral worth as a human. I hate to tell you this, but there are many people with less education, less ability, and a weaker work ethic than myself who make far more than I do. Evidently they didn't have a business college where you went to school, and you have never heard of Paris Hilton. Your argument is not an argument at all, and it is stupid.

And do you know that a magical land actually exists where cancer, as well as every other type of sick and injured patient, can have their needs completely taken care of in a non-profit system?

It's called Canada.

And the United Kingdom, Ireland too.

And France,

The Netherlands.






New Zealand

I could go on.....I would love to be bled out the same way people in those magical lands are being bled out.

Thing is, you'd be better off in those magic lands as well, and you are too strung out on corporate propaganda to realize it.

Which makes you stupid.

Thanks for playing, stupid.

8 said...

Amen, DM.

You have to wrestle these knuckle draggers as they come, one at a time.