Sunday, June 21, 2009

85% Of People Say The Health Care Systen In This Country Needs To Be Destroyed. Today We Let The Other 15% Have A Say.

That 85% number comes from a poll published in Saturday's New York Times:

85 percent of respondents said the health care system needed to be fundamentally changed or completely rebuilt

Fuck yeah. Now we're talking. We must be about ready to steamroll the last few remaining pathetic bastards defending the status quo and finally make some progress towards joining the rest of the civilized world in ensuring our citizens don't have to worry about losing their house to foreclosure if they have the rudeness to become ill. Right?


Not necessarily. Would you have guessed that only 15% of people support the present system? I'm betting not. The right wing is very skillful at the construction of Potemkin villages to make it appear they are far more numerous than they really are. You can do that kind of thing when you control Fox News, The Murdoch newspaper publishing empire, and pretty much the entirety of the AM radio dial. It also helps to shout a lot. There is another level to right wing media though. Publications like the National Review, founded by William F. Buckley to be the flagship of intellectual conservatism. In other words, to serve the people who actually benefit from right wing ideology, as opposed to the white trash mindset that Bill O'Reilly is paid big bucks to whip into a frenzy to think they are better off shunning those dreaded liberals and their sense of fairness.

The National Review recently took its best shot at defending the system that is bankrupting us both individually and as a nation, which isn't really surprising, since our bankruptcy is by and large their reader's profit. Gather round folks, and get ready to listen to the extinction cry of those who build their mansions with our blood money.

I wrote back in December of 2007 that our heathcare *cough* system produces fewer doctors, fewer nurses, and fewer hospital beds per capita than the average country in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, which any human would interpret as a sign of trouble. Remember though, that right wing conservatives, while having opposable thumbs, rudimentary tool-using and speech capability, and binocular vision, are not fully human:

One gets a better measure of how much countries spend by looking at the real resources used; and by that measure, the U.S. system is pretty good. For example, we use fewer doctors than the average developed country to produce the same or better outcomes. We also use fewer nurses and fewer hospital beds, make fewer physician visits, and spend fewer days in the hospital.

So, next time you go to the ER and get yourself stacked up in the hall waiting to see a doctor for 6 hours, the next time you're lying in your own urine in a hospital bed desperately pressing a call button that the nurse handling a crisis at the other end of the hall can't hear, just remember, it's a sign that the U.S. system is pretty good! I bet the editor of The National Review checks to see which hospital in his area has the fewest doctors and nurses per patient whenever he needs care. I bet he also picks an insurance plan for himself that boots him out of the hospital as soon as possible, because hitting the street in a post-op state where you can barely stand up would definitely be sign you are in a health care system that is pretty good.

By the way, many of you may have shot a beverage out of your nose when you saw the National Review assert the U.S. system produces "the same or better outcomes," as that flies in the face of every single fucking piece of evidence on the planet. We'll get to that, but first:

Other countries are far more aggressive than we are at disguising and shifting costs — for example, by using the power of government purchase to artificially suppress the incomes of doctors, nurses, and hospital personnel. This makes their aggregate outlays look smaller when all that has really happened is that part of the cost has been shifted from one group (patients and taxpayers) to another (health-care providers). This is equivalent to taxing doctors, nurses, or some other group so that others may pay less for their care.

Soooooo.....other countries have their health care workers in oppressive chains, paying them slave wages so other people can get recreational coronary bypasses. we just saw, the U.S. has fewer healthcare workers per capita than other countries in our peer group. So....when you pay people less to do something, you get more people who are willing to do it?

My God, The National Review just turned the basic tenet of Economics 101 on its head. I bet they'll win a goddamn Nobel Prize or something. Or else they're just full of shit.

The National Review also comes up with a little outside the box thinking to explain why health outcomes in the U.S. just never seem to measure up to the rest of the industrialized world:

Critics point to the fact that U.S. life expectancy is in the middle of the pack among developed countries, and that our infant-mortality rate is among the highest. But are these the right measures? Within the U.S., life expectancy at birth varies greatly between racial and ethnic groups, from state to state, and across counties....

All too often, the heterogeneous population of the United States is compared with the homogeneous populations of European countries. A state such as Utah compares favorably with almost any developed country. Texas, with its high minority population, tends to compare unfavorably. But these outcomes have almost nothing to do with the doctors and hospitals in the two states.

Uh-huh. Now those of you out there who aren't white won't need me to translate that for you. The honkies amongst you though, may not be used to the thin veneer of subtlety applied here to what they are actually saying, which is:

All those brown and black people shouldn't really count. Because they're not real Americans.

Which is bad enough. The buttwipe who wrote this article though, a near-human by the name of John C. Goodman, also happens to have his facts wrong. Let's take a look at the "homogeneous populations" of a few European countries:

17% of the population of France isn't white.

Germany? 18 percent.

Netherlands. 20 percent. That's one in five.

All those countries beat the living piss out of the United States, whose minority population is 26%, in almost any way you wanna measure their people's health. John C. Goodman evidently feels that somewhere between a minority population of 20 to 26 percent, there is a point that will trigger the collapse of a country's health care system.

Or he happily wallows in the mud if ignorance.

Or he's just a racist.

So there you are my friends. Everything is just fine. We really need fewer doctors and nurses, and if we wanted more we could always just pay them starvation wages like the Europeans do in some fantasy world. And people who aren't white really don't need medical care anyway. That's the position of the publication that considers itself the pillar of serious conservative thought in this country.

That's seriously the best they can do. If this fight is fought on just the facts, we will win in a landslide.

Let's make sure the fight is fought on just the facts.

Thanks to some asshole who can't write or form a coherent argument named Chip for sending that article my way, even though he was just trying to be a dick.


Pharmacy Mike said...

How dare you form an argument based on such trivial things as FACTS and STATISTICS!! Don't you know that the only way to make a point is to yell really loudly and pull stories out of your ass about how people in Canada are flocking to the US for our healthcare?

People really eat that stuff up. You start throwing facts and statistics at people, and they get a befuddled expression on their faces, like you tried to explain calculus based physics to them.

pacalaga said...

How do we get you hired on to Obama's cabinet?

midwest woman said...

ahh sigh of relief thanx for a great post...the right wing blogaholics were getting on my last nerve.

Anonymous said...

Midwest Woman, I wholeheartedly agree...I was so defeated after reading TAP's post. Thanks for putting the wind back in my sails...I was starting to feel like all Pharmacists listen to Rush Limbaugh!

It's one thing for a person who doesn't work in health care to blow off a lot of hot air...entirely different to listen to one of our own.

BTW...why is it that the entirety of the Republican Party falls into one of three categories:

(1) Shockingly angry, frustrated people who seem to revel in getting themselves all worked up over almost anything - whether it be taxes, illegal immigration...whatever. They seem to stand ready to whip themselves into a tizzy at a moment's notice...and they are almost never interested in intellectual debate...they're in it for a joyride on the emotional roller-coaster.

(2) The schemers who stand forever ready to load group 1 on that roller-coaster and take them for the ride of their lifetime. They know that they can manipulate them into doing whatever they want and do it whenever they can to keep their own gravy train running. Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilley come to mind.

(3) There are precious few Republicans who truly believe in one Republican ideal and put up with the rest of the shenanigans - they take the boatload of crap because thy believe so strongly in that ideal. A SUBSET of the right right to life group comes to mind...not the fringe (group 1), but the peaceful, thoughtful minority. I'm definately pro-choice, but I guess if you believe strongly in the right to life, you could possibly land in this camp. I'm not sure how you get your head around the pro-war, if you were born into poverty, you are undeserving of health care and a decent education side of it, but to each his own.

The bulk is group 1 led by group 2 with group 3 barely hanging on.

I'm getting a little off track, but I needed to get that off my shoulders. Thanks for restoring my faith!

StrivingToBeKeystone said...

I have a question that i've been thinking about. What about all the people in call centers who will lose their jobs if there aren't private insurers?

I know it's a little off topic, but I have been thinking a lot about that, don't we want to create jobs?

Anonymous said...

It just dawned on me...TAP IS the Rush Limbaugh of Pharmacy, and he has the same kind of rabid, mindless following. No problem, just change the channel.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for link-dumping, but here are some more of those pesky facts about our inefficient system:


Anonymous said...

If universal health care coverage is so wrong, how come France, Spain, The United Kingdom, Japan, Canada, Sweden, The Netherlands, Italy, Finland, Belgium, Austria, Germany, New Zealand, Portugal, Greece, Norway, Ireland, Denmark, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Switzerland etc. all have it?

Jen, Call Center Desk Jockey said...

Damn that pesky Freedom of Information Act, empowering the masses!

Anonymous said...

The frightening thing is that conservatives use our "heterogeneous population" to excuse almost all the other shortcomings of our country.

DKLA said...

The "Oh so knowledgeable" Betsy McCaughey (former Lt. Governor of NY), has made another statement on CNN's "American Morning" today. Still making her case on the "evils" of government in healthcare.

She was harping on limited access to healthcare providers, restricting access to "treatment," claims every sickness is due to genetics, and pulls out the all-knowing binder filled with paper stating such on air.

This flake shouldn't stick her neck into something she wasn't trained in. I'll listen if she has a degree (MD, PharmD, RN, PA, etc.) or bothered to work in a particular field that actually treats sick people (besides politicians and herself).

She should really shut up and look that insurances regulate healthcare as much as any other government I've heard. If you have a pre-existing condition, then they'll kick you out of the plan (aka "recission"). Also hasn't grasped the concept of a "Prior Authorization" yet too.

Still ignores the fact that people are still losing jobs and won't have the "same healthcare" unless they are willing to cough up the COBRA fees plus the administrative extras.

On a side note, welcome back DM!

Anonymous said...

I heard a Fox-News Washington Correspondent today say: "Most Americans are satisfied with their healthcare."

Yeah, I shouldn't be watching them anyways - but it's good for a laugh during commercials of my normal programming. I still have to clean up the iced coffee I spit out when I heard it.

Pharm Applicants Database said...

I hope poll results translate into some real fixing of at least some of our current problems.

I hear that the main reason for our failures today has to do with the huge gap between the rich and the poor. How true is that?

PeevedPuppy said...

Healthcare: a Right or Privilege?
TAP clearly states he sides with the latter. This philosophical premise seems to be a wedge issue used by the right in order to block any meaningful reform like a public option.

When I took my Hippocratic oath a couple decades ago I naively assumed that all of us took such an oath would see access to health care as a basic human right. This illusion quickly disintegrated while working next to an ultra right-wing conservative pharmacist. This was in (of all places) a public health clinic. Not only did this guy believe that health care is a privilege, but felt that every street should be a privately run toll road, firefighters should be privately paid on a fee for service basis, etc. In other words, no taxes, no government, all private corporations running the country. Needless to say he didn't last long as a government employee. (He was also an asshole to the patients, especially the most impoverished ones).

I'm not trying to imply that all conservatives are ready to abolish police and fire departments, or for that matter schools, sewer systems and highways in order to stop paying taxes. One does not need to be a Pinko Commie to be willing to ante up for the basics a society needs for survival whether or not these are rights or privileges. If we don't have these services, we are ALL screwed.

And guess what, we ARE all getting screwed. Most of us could probably rattle off a long list of hidden costs of NOT having some kind of universal health care system.

I'm almost feeling like pretty soon I'll need to start learning suturing skills in order to take care of people getting shut out of the ER's and running to their pharmacist instead.

Sorry about the long rant...

Unknown said...

I was in the grocery store parking lot the other day and passed by an expensive looking black Jeep with the message "Say no to government run healthcare!" written on the back window in bright marker. I wanted to leave a message on his wiper saying "You are a notorious d*ck." My bf and I waited around for a while to see what a creature like this could look like, but they must have been an employee because they never came out. It took all my strength not to key the hell out of their paint. It seems like only the wealthy these days see anything positive about the current healthcare system. I swear, if someone comes into the store and has good insurance, it's like a status symbol. Is that what good healthcare has come to? Something to show off? It's a basic right. The sooner people in this country realize that, the better. "Government run" healthcare works for every other country. Why not us?

Anonymous said...

yooooouuuuu stopppppppped bloggggginggggg. whats wronggggggg?

Anonymous said...

Hey guy, I support a better health care system, but I thought you may want to see any articles on it so you can better prepare yourself for debates and whatnot. This one was on cnn on 7/6