Sunday, July 14, 2013

I Publish A Spoiler From My Awesome First Book As A Rear Guard, Guerrilla Action In The War On Women

I knew this day would come.

I've watched for years as the forces waging war on a woman and her uterus have gathered and run rampant over the countryside. As they evolved from small cells born in the ashes of defeat after Roe v. Wade to the forces of reactionary Puritanism that have become marauding bands of sexual police barbarians. Sometimes highly educated barbarians, as in the case of Lloyd Duplantis of Gray, Louisiana, a pharmacist who won a few minutes of national notoriety  for, among other things, declaring that birth control pills are "the most dangerous chemicals on the market" and becoming the lab coat wearing face of the war on Plan B, the morning after pill. I wrote my first book primarily as a bitchslap against Lloyd and his ilk, and by any measure I was wildly successful, as that chemical that he thought so dangerous is now available for the asking for anyone 17 and up, and will soon be easier to get than Sudafed. Lloyd is no longer a figurative loser, but a literal one as well.

In my book I took Lloyd one further though. Rant and rave as he and his kind do that Plan B and other morning after pills cause an abortion, they do not. I won't go so far as to say Lloyd is lying, but anyone with a pharmacist's background should know that what he says about Plan B isn't true. Maybe Lloyd just isn't very smart. So I decided to educate him a bit by publishing another bit of information any pharmacist should know. How to induce an actual, real, abortion using the old time ulcer medicine misprostol  (Cytotec)

Isn't that ironically funny? Lloyd rants about a pill that doesn't cause an abortion so I tell the world about a pill that does. Ha ha ha ha......I should get some sort of an award.

The closest I've come to that so far though is leading the way for The New York Times, which told the world today that after the new....cough cough......"safety" regulations soon to be passed in Texas that will have the toooooooootallly unintended consequence of forcing most abortion clinics there to shut their doors, there will most likely be a run across the border, where Mexican pharmacies will sell you a pack of misoprostol with few or no questions asked. Here's a quote from that article:

"When asked how women should use the pills, some of the pharmacists said they did not know and others recommended wildly different regimes that doctors say could be unsafe,"

 Which means that State Senator Glen Hegar, chief sponsor of the Texas bill who says he wants not to limit abortion access “but to increase the quality of care.” Will be driving women in his state into the hands of Mexican pharmacists with their head squarely up their ass. Pharmacists stupider than Lloyd Duplantis even.

Yeah, I knew this day would come. It's nice to sell books and all, and even after two years that little book of mine still sells pretty well, but I always had a feeling that at some point making the information about how to use misoprostol as safely as possible would be more important than any book royalties earned. Here's another quote from the Times:

When used properly in the early weeks of pregnancy, misoprostol, which causes uterine contractions and cervical dilation, induces a miscarriage about 85 percent of the time, according to Dr. Grossman. But many women receive incorrect advice on dosage and, especially later in pregnancy, the drug can cause serious bleeding or a partial abortion, he said.

Yup. That day is here. This is a word per word copy of a chapter lifted right out of my book. It's copyrighted, but feel free to save it, send it, post it, or spread the information around as much as you'd like. Just don't sell it. And also know that I DON'T recommend this. I would much rather you see and be under the care of a real doctor with real experience in ending a pregnancy, but the authorities in Texas, and Ohio, Wisconsin, Arkansas, Arizona, North Dakota, and too many other states have seen fit to make that less likely to happen. When you have limited options, you make the best of what's left to you.

Here you go:

Chapter Title, "This One's For You Lloyd Duplantis"

Cytotec. That's the brand name of the anti-ulcer medicine misoprostol that has been around since 1988. Any doctor anywhere in the country can write a prescription for misoprostol, and while it's not as big a seller as it used to be, the chances are pretty good a pharmacy in your town has it on the shelf,  just like any prescription, and if you don't have any insurance, it should easily cost you less than $30.

It can also be used to induce an abortion. If that's what you want to do, have your doctor write a prescription as follows:

Cytotec 200mcg
#12 tablets
Take as directed

Then take four of the tablets and dissolve them under your tongue. Three hours later dissolve four more, then wait three hours and do it a third time. Another option is to insert four tablets vaginally and repeat with four more in 24 hours. Talk it over with your doctor and decide which way is best for you.

Also, please read the rest of this before you do anything.

First off, let's be clear. Unlike when you take Plan B, you will be ending a viable pregnancy when you take misoprostol. This is an abortion, and if an abortion is not what you want, than you should not take misoprostol. 

Misoprostol is not without side effects or risks. The drug works by expelling the fetus, which means you will experience cramps, possibly stronger than anything you've gone through with your period. You can take some over the counter Aleve (naproxen sodium) to help with these cramps if they are troublesome.

You may also experience chills, fever, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea after taking misoprostol. Fever can be treated with naproxen or Tylenol, but if it lasts more than 24 hours you should check with your doctor. Nausea can be treated with over the counter Dramamine. 

Misoprostol doesn't always work. It has a success rate of anywhere from 80 to 90%, and there is a chance if it fails it can cause birth defects. You should start to experience bleeding within the first day after taking misoprostol, if no bleeding occurs, than the abortion has failed. Misoprostol should not be used at all after the 9th week of pregnancy due to the risk of excessive bleeding, and should not be used if you have an IUD. 

Seek immediate medical attention if,  after using misoprostol, you experience heavy bleeding (soaking more than two maxi pads per hour for more than two hours), feel dizzy or lightheaded, or have a fever for more than 24 hours. 

If you end up in the hospital, the symptoms will be identical to a spontaneous miscarriage. The medical staff will not know you tried to induce an abortion. 

Now you know how you can get an abortion for the cost of a doctor's visit and your prescription copay. Do I think it's the best method? No, I don't. Misoprostol combined with Mifeprex is more effective, but I'm aware it won't always be an option, and unlike too many in the medical professions, I think you should be aware of all the options available to you. 

And now you are. 


In your face Lloyd Duplantis, and now, in your face, assholes of the Texas legislature.  


Anonymous said...

While most of the time I agree on what is published on the Drugmonkey's page, this last posting has gone a little too far. First let me get a couple things out of the way, I am not a "pro-lifer" and have no qualms with medicinally induced abortion. I do believe, though, as a pharmacist there are cetain aspects of medicine that should not be posted on the internet as a "pro tip." Other poor choice of topics I've seen published in the media include, "How to hot wire a car", "How to make a bomb/molotov cocktail," "The best ways to attain and use Rohipnol" and "How to make methamphetamines?" Knowledge is power, but having these postings readily available provide a greater potential to cause more harm than good. You've done an excellent job at being the "goto guy" for a lot of information that has helped expand the minds of many retail pharmacist, including myself, but in this instance your lack of restraint may have cost you some of your credibility. I can't imagine that I am alone in saying that. This is not to say I wish you to give up on your maverick ways. I only ask you to use caution in the future. Like a ball player to a little kid, you are the role model to a lot of pharmacists (and non-pharmacists) and your sphere of influence is greater than you perceive.
PS I still love you

Anonymous said...

...ease up there, Anonny 1:58. We have yet to figure out how to make make bombs, rape aids, speed, or a slim jim out of the reproductive organs. While do-it-yourself medical advice may be questionable in some ways, it is hardly the stuff of Grand Theft Auto VI: San Uterus.

Anonymous said...

Methotrexate isn't a bad choice, either, for those who aren't squeamish about injectables.

KimBo said...

I tend to agree with Anonymous 1:58...I've always enjoyed DM's writings, but lately they are taking on a more radical/ranting edge and this one borders on downright out-of-control. I still enjoy reading older posts, but find myself more and more reluctant to come back because of this shift.

TXPharmaGirl said...

Thank you for writing this..
It's so incredibly frustrating being a pharmacy student at a Texas school, with all the imbeciles running around this state running our government. We have ONE pharmacist in state legislative office and thank our lucky stars she's a woman or else she'd likely be on the wrong side of the war on women with the rest of those dumb-asses. Although we have our share of ignorant women in office as well. What's even more appalling is the insane percentage of my "intelligent" my classmates who support these ridiculous laws and love Rick Perry to no end. Makes me want to smack them in the face with a copy of DiPiro's, maybe knock some knowledge in there. I'm struggling with the prospect of graduating and working here in Texas where liberal dreams go to die, or heading to California and paying taxes until I send myself into an early grave. Keep up the writing, it keeps us pharmacy students entertained and eager to get out into the working world where everything gets "better". :)

Anonymous said...

i think i love you! maybe others not worried about health/safety of patients should surrender their licenses.

signed, retired rph

Anonymous said...

and anon@1:58, quick google search will find you many, many, many hits for this information. drug monkey is certainly not posting "company secrets" here. he's trying to keep women safe.

retired rph

Red_No_4 said...

I myself am looking ever so forward to the day when I have to explain why Plan B One Step is completely over the counter (no ID, no age restrictions, no nothing, just a charge of $49.99) while the Next Choice one pill system still has all the hassle of requiring you to be 17 or older if you buy it without a prescription but an over-all lower cost . Granted, I totally agree with the federal court's smack down of the stupid FDA policy in the first place, but still... This is going to be painful.

For the record, die, 130-9-8, die!

Texas Pharmacy Chica said...

Oh, TXPharmaGirl, I just tossed my 15-yr old copy of DiPiro! I also live in Texas where the majority appears to be favoring going back to the age of the coat hanger and the knitting needle.