Sunday, July 21, 2013

I Love This Guy. Not The Commentator, But The Candidate Of Which He Speaks.

Because every time the GOP nominates a retard numbnut like this, it makes our job a little easier.

And by a little I mean a lot.

I can see the strategy meeting now:

"Ken...whatever you do just keep your mouth shut about rape and especially rape babies...OK? I know it's a sincere belief close to your heart, but those kinds of comments are a guaranteed loser with women. They easily cost us 2 Senate seats last time around."

"Yeah, that's pretty easy to understand actually. I was thinking of going on the record in favor of outlawing cunnilingus as a way to appeal to the woman vote."

"Brilliant!! A sex strategy that in no way mentions rape babies. I think we've found a winner!!!!"

BBBBBBWWWWWAAAAAHHHHHAAAAHHHAAAHHAAAAA!!!!!!! Someone, please....give Ken Cuccinelli as big a megaphone, as large a platform, and as much media exposure as he would like......

I'll do my bit right now.

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1 comment:

Jason DeVillains said...

LOL! The GOP just CANNOT manage to keep church and state separate.

Here's a direct link to that piece of legislation -

Notice the first three words of this law is - "If any person".

Here's a potential solution to the problem, one in which criminals use all of the time to avoid be held accountable by the legal system.

Become individually incorporated so you won't be considered "any person".. well, at least when it suits your needs.

Once you do, you can use that corporate veil to skirt the law and sodomize anyone that you wish. Corporations do it all of the time without being criminally prosecuted.