Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Tales Of The Jobless Life, Part One

Tomorrow's gonna be when the fecal material hits the fan. Two deadlines to meet on Friday and tomorrow's gonna be my last chance to throw up some good work. That's what writing feels like by the way, like when you know you're gonna throw up sometime today, but aren't really sure when.

Then.....all the sudden it vomits up...messy words splattering all over the place while you struggle to get them at least near to where they should be deposited. Then all you gotta do is spend a lot of time cleaning them up and you got you some writing work done. Anyway, I gotta throw up twice by Friday.

Today though, I had a Momsitting gig. Some of you may remember my dear friend who is caring for her mother with Alzheimer's. My current joblessness is a bit of a blessing for her, seeing as how she needs occasional time to run errands and catch up on life stuff and just de-stress a little for a few hours.

She needs occasional time and I have time in abundance. Pretty much a classic win win.

So today's idea was to teach Mom a card game. In particular, "war." For those of you not familiar, I'll tell you it's the simplest card game on the face of the earth. You throw down a card, then your opponent throws down a card, and the highest card wins. If you both throw down a card of equal value, war is declared, consisting of two cards face down and one face up, and the highest one wins the whole pile. This continues until someone is out of cards.

Again, pretty much the simplest game on planet earth. And I lost. Every time.

After awhile I started to be pretty sure I was giving Mom credit for hands that I had actually won. Which would be a sweet thing to do, if I were doing it on purpose. I wasn't. Today I was outsmarted at the easiest card game imaginable by an elderly woman with severe dementia.

I'm chasing my first serious job lead since Rite Aid's asshatery. And I'm hoping, mostly for my own mental health, that it might lead somewhere.


Anonymous said...

Good luck -- any pharmacy would be lucky to have you! We're all cheering for you.


Anonymous said...

Good luck!!

wiley said...

As a professional in-home caregiver, I say "SWEEET, sweet respite". You're a real prince.

Anonymous said...

A heart of gold in a vat of piss and vinegar. Compassion is what what makes pharmacists what we are, but it takes some of us longer than others to figure it out.

Từ Thanh Giác said...

Rite Aid may want to hire you back. they created a Chi Minh as in Ho Ch Mine. Ho is the family name and Chi Minh means the great oracle. You were always were an oracle but now more are listening to you thanks to the fools at Rite Aid. Oh! Man! Did they ever make a big mistake.

Anonymous said...

Do you think that some retired pharmacists in LA area are going to apply for pharmacist positions for the strike just to get even with Rite Aid? Can you imagine the ruckus they they would create in the pharmacy. "Honestly Mam you can get this Rx a lot cheaper at Costco."

Anonymous said...

Good luck! I hope you find a job that you can enjoy and one where your employer respects you!

ThatDeborahGirl said...

Today I was outsmarted at the easiest card game imaginable by an elderly woman with severe dementia.

That is the sweetest, funniest thing I've read all day.

Anonymous said...

Hey Good Luck!