Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Seriously, You Guys Just Can't Get Enough Can You?

Twenty minutes? Really? Shouldn't you guys be monitoring flu shot quotas or something? Because honestly, I don't think it's possible to fire someone twice. You don't seem to realize you have no power over me anymore.

You suck you suck you suck you suck. See? I would never say stuff like that if I was still on your payroll. Ironic isn't it? If your goal was to shut me up you were about as effective as you've been in the pursuit of profit.

I also never would give the world the scoop about your "savings card" prescription pricing if I was still your employee. The whole time I worked for you, I never once told people how I saw that depending on the med, that "savings card" turns into a "rip off the customer" card.

I still haven't. Gone into the details of how that card can screw people over compared to other discount plans that are available. But we both know I could. So maybe you shouldn't piss me off. More than you already have.

Looks like any remaining power in our relationship rests with me now, yes? I use the sweet sweet irony to flavor my coffee every morning.

It does make me happy to know, however, that based on your outclick, you're learning about the outsized influence of big money in our electoral process.

There may be hope for you yet.


Anonymous said...

How did you get that screenshot?

Anonymous said...

Dude, you effing rock. I wish you nothing but the best and in the long run your being jettisoned from the death (their own) star known as RAD will be the best thing that has ever happened in your life. Keep up the good fight.

Anonymous said...

I agree with both of these comments. Where or how did you get the info on the screen shot and You do Rock! Keep giving them hell. Wish you the best of luck with the Job search adventure.

PharmD Blogger said...

Hey DrugMonkey, don't you think it is john standley checking out your awesome blog? Doesn't Rite Aid have an obsession with you, and what you write? They cannot get enough of you! Maybe they agree with you that Rite Aid will go under or be given a new chance to start over. They might want to give you your job back. What do you think?

woolywoman said...

Forbidden love?

Anonymous said...

Although I tend to think that it's Loss Prevention or Legal compiling info - to defend the lawsuit that you would win if/when you sue them - maybe,just maybe, there is some MonkeyLove going on over there in Camp Hell,PA. Even the suits must hate each other after all! Perhaps some poor Jr VP in charge of nothing thinks his sloganeering, "creative", blowhard boss is a wad.
I always imagine them at corporate desperately thinking of INNOVATIONS to justify being on a payroll for another few months. "Yeah,yeah - 15 minutes or we'll throw a giftcard at 'em!! that'll bring um in... order up the Millions in Air-Time and POSTERS!!!!" FAIL... Yeah!! "WELLNESS Amb-ASS-ador! Yeah!! They can direct our PATIENTS to the pricey vitamins, (after discussing the Laxatives of course), then bring them directly to the Pharmacy for a CONSULT!" Immenent FAIL. A-holes.

By the way - did you sign that internet oath?

Miss Margo said...


Anonymous said...

Well that's why you can't get your coffee strong enough in the morning! Too much sweet irony!

Anonymous said...

I was fired from RA last year for not agreeing with flu shot quotas and not agreeing to give immunizations. I was ambushed and fired 1 hour into my shift. No one in my area wanted to be forced to do them, yet no one stood up with me to do anything about it. I wrote, called, even started a petition...nothing. Had we stuck together, maybe things would be different now. Corporations have killed dreams and ruined our profession.