Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Say What You Will About My Republican Friends, But I Admire Their Commitment To Core Principles.

Remember John Kerry the flip-flopper? He voted for the war before he voted against it or something like that. Fucking wanker. He deserved to lose.

Not at all like my friends on the right. Steadfast they are. Decisive. Whether you like their decision or not you gotta admit the very definition of leadership is taking a position and then getting everyone else on board with your plan.

It just so happens we are electing a leader here in a couple of months. And you know, in these troubled times, maybe it would be a good thing to have a steady hand steering this nation. Someone strong, unwavering, dedicated to his vision of what's right and true. A real leader. Like this guy. Maybe he'll run for president one day:

Wait a minute.......Oh, crap.



Anonymous said...

Mittens is a piece of work..He and Ryan are busily laying the groundwork for a radical Muslim..radical Christian..radical Jewish battle to the end over Israel. Of course their brats won't be participating. His attitude precisely matches that of the NFL owners who are busily Romnyizing their underlings. Their biggest fear is that the rabble will get out of control. Good luck to us all if he is elected..Will make George jr. look like genius.

Yours in the GOP Rinse Pubis

Từ Thanh Giác said...

Romney does have something in common with John Kerry. Both are slime.

Thom Foolery said...

The approach of contemporary Republicans to consistency and principles reminds me of Piers Anthony's Satan in the novel *On a Pale Horse*:

"Satan will hold you to the technicality of the law, for all that he honors no technicalities himself."

Two sets of standards, one for them, another for the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

As a pharmacist, gotta look beyond the guy that gives 'big eyes' about how the oxys got stolen.

PharmD Blogger said...

Hey DrugMonkey, I always vote for the person that will help me the most in the next 4 years. Who will be the best candidate for me and my family, my profession, and then my country? What qualities and aspects do you look in a candidate when you vote?