Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Highlights From A Half-Day Of Pill Counting Action.

OK, so, I have a question for you. Let's say you're out there in the world, just kinda living your life, going about your day to day business, everything going just fine, and all the sudden you get a call from a robot who says you have a prescription  ready. What would you do? Would you 1) Ignore the call because you know you're doing OK with your meds, or 2) At most, go to the medicine cabinet and check your bottles to see what you could be running low on so you could decide whether you wanted to buy another refill? Because if you would do either one of those two things, I have another question for you:

Do you really exist? Seriously. Are there people out there who would make the slightest effort to find out what the machine has told them to buy? Because I'm not seeing it. What I do see is a constant parade of people coming to the counter because they have been ordered to. They have no idea what they could be about to purchase. Not a clue as to how many prescriptions could even possibly be waiting for them. I'm not kidding you, when they get that call from the robot it's like getting some sort of surprise package for them. My already low opinion of humanity managed to sink a few more feet when I saw the other day how many more prescriptions we've been selling since the corporate mothership started their auto-fill program. The only good thing is the bonus money I'll be getting from all that extra revenue coming in.


That does remind me of our district manager though, who I've mentioned before kinda sounds like a pirate when she talks. I know it's hard for a woman to sound like a pirate, but trust me on this, she pulls it off. An imitation of my District Manager is usually sure-fire comedy gold but my attempt this day fell flat on its face as I entered the happy pill room. I thought maybe it had something to do with the lady I saw brushing her teeth in our parking lot on the way in. How someone spitting their used toothpaste into the public sphere might put people in a bad mood. I was wrong.

The District Manager had been in earlier in the day evidently. With her boss. And her bosses boss. This was the equivalent of a visit from the Pope, or at least a high ranking Cardinal or two, thankfully without the pedophilia. Reports indicate the first thing they did was inspect the trash. There are now at our company, let me pause and make sure I'm getting them all... five different categories of trash. Each of which has it's own container. For example, a used alcohol swab, which, thanks to the characteristics of alcohol, is within a minute or two is a dry piece of cotton, is "hazardous waste," while a cotton ball used to stop someone's bleeding after an injection, which I will point out has and always will contain human blood, is just regular trash, and can be thrown out with my empty coffee cup and read newspaper. Call me a rebel, but I've always put the blood stained things in the sharps container. Fortunately no one noticed this during the trash inspection conducted by the man with a Masters in Business Administration.

The MBA man did leave word that I was unacceptably behind in my computer training modules though. So once I settled into work I stopped filling prescriptions and taking phone calls and learned that if there was a fire in the store, I should make my way to the nearest exit, and not walk up to the fire and try to make sweet love to it as I had previously thought.

Here's another question for you. Do you know if you're right handed or left handed? Because the first flu shot of the day didn't seem to. I always ask, you see, because my goal is to put it in the arm you use the least, as that arm is gonna be sore for a couple days. After a good minute of the man explaining that he did some things with his right arm but considered himself left handed, but he had an identical twin and he thought his twin was right handed, but threw a baseball with his left hand, I took a page out of the robot's playbook and just ordered him to roll up his left sleeve. While this was going on a man was insisting to my Supertech that his zero co-pay be put on his medical benefits card.

"I'm going to the bathroom" she said when the transaction was over.

"It's really gross back there." I reminded her.

"I know, but at least I'll get some peace and quiet for a few minutes."

About 10 minutes after I explained to a man that I could only print out an expense report for the year that covered his prescription drugs, and not what he paid for his extended hospital stay in another state, two fatty carts got in a wreck. Seriously. One of them just broadsided another right at an aisle intersection and neither of the fatties wanted to get up and help untangle the damage. I bet there would had been some road rage if either of the fatties had been able to muster up the effort.

The man who didn't know if he was right handed also missed his own age by 10 years when he filled out the flu shot questionnaire.

It could have been worse though. My Daddy could have toiled nights in the plastics factory, picking up overtime whenever he could in order to give me a chance to make something of myself, and I could have toiled away in one of the nation's finest universities, forgoing parties and football tailgating, in order to put into my head the knowledge both theoretical and practical that would allow me to make it in the world of commerce, and then... I could have been given the trash project, and spent my days making sure the HIPAA paper was always kept separate from the HIPAA plastic. Which is nothing like what a janitor does.

I also could have been ordered by a robot to buy the cheap scotch. Which makes me glad I didn't give them my real phone number. Cheers.


jen said...

I got a robocall "someone in your family has a prescription waiting" call from my pharmacy the other day. Couldn't figure out what it could be for, but I get the calls for my mom's & dad's drugs as well as my own, so maybe it was for one of them.

So I call the pharmacy and they look it up. Turns out, apparently, some random doctor from the hospital had called in a prescription during my dad's recent hospital stay. According to the pharmacy, this was called in the day after his surgery, while he was still in SICU, 4 days before they sent him home. Nobody mentioned it to him - it wasn't in any of his discharge papers. And I call him a random doc because none of us recognize his name.

I don't know if someone was overly optimistic about when he was going home, or if someone (doc, hospital, pharmacy) mixed up patients...

bcmigal said...

Love it when MD sends escript to wrong pharmacy, pt gets robocall, and MD blames us. Worse yet, he/she does not believe us and demands we fax copy to the office. Takes 20 minutes of our time and rxs in the queue "go red'. No win/no win. Yeesh!

Anonymous said...

I'm liking Grant's scotch myself. Super cheap but it tastes pretty Scotchy. Bang for the buck. Hang in.

Anonymous said...

You work in retail pharmacy and you write about retail pharmacy. From what I can tell you have nothing else in your life but the occasional tired, over-done Catholic joke. Hope it's working for you.

Anonymous said...

The other day we were warned to stay clear if the nearly blind guy in the automated wheeled transportation buggy got off on our floor. Seems he's been running into people at a fast clip lately and none too happy when he's been invited to install backing up and going forward beepers to warn all within earshot.

DrugMonkey, Master of Pharmacy said...

So tonight I went and treated myself after work to dinner at a nice place on the other side of town. On the other side of the restaurant I saw a couple of priests finishing up their appetizers and I couldn't remember if I should send over a bottle of wine or a Cub Scout......


It's actually working out pretty well, thanks for asking....

Anonymous said...

No no, DM, you should have sent over an altar boy.

Anonymous said...

At my store, the DM and the Regional have both been going through the trash to see if we threw away a rx bottle with someone's name on it. This makes me wonder if the people that came up with the idea of HIPPA ever dreamed that such things would occur. Guess this just shows all the crazy unexpected consequences of government legislation. Can you imagine all the money that has been spent and the countless hours of professionals time to comply with HIPPA? And is the public any better served?

Anonymous said...

I always get my flu shot in my right arm (I'm right handed) as then the soreness works itself out faster. But then I don't find the flu shot bothers me that much anyway.

I hate that pharmacists give flu shots. Count, lick, stick, pour and inject...or is that stick again?

NOT pharmaceutical care AT ALL!

You go drugmonkey!

Kat said...

I seem to be in the minority. I can infact understand that when I get the cryptic call from cigna's mail order I should look in my drawer of meds count my stock and see if that number is larger than 1 and order appropriately. I also do get shots in my "dominant arm" cause I don't write much and I use my mouse with my non-dominant arm.
Apparently some of us with brains have left for mail order. It's just easier cause well my meds haven't changed in years and I live 200 miles from an in network pharmacy.