Saturday, December 03, 2011

From the "Someone Doesn't Quite Get The Point, And That Someone Is CVS" File.

Also from the "I'm nor surprised at all" file.

 From Via @DrJRod on Twitter.


rnraquel said...

That is a definite WTF.

Anonymous said...

I think it represents how long your wait will be in line as pharmacies continue to reduce their staff.

Anonymous said...

Front store must be acting out against the pharmacy. That's one RPh who's probably not going to meet his/her flu shot quota lol.

Anonymous said...

you could say i'm a regular at communist victory store. since big brother is watching, i won't say that. there was a store in the area that hung one of the ghost decorations from the ceiling with a sign that read "i didn't get my flu shot. don't end up like me". thank goodness flu shot season and halloween coincide right? of course there were complaints (i mean ahem i'd assume) the sign came down and someone was fired. the message? don't think for yourself or have any unique ideas. do as you are told.

Anonymous said...

I effen love this! I've never laughed so hard before. Thank you for making me day.