Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Perfect 9/11 Poem. That Wasn't Written About 9/11. Or By Me.

It was actually written in 1984, By Depeche Mode, but it sums up 9/11 and the following Decade of Osama quite well:

 I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours/ 
But I think that God's got a sick sense of humor/ 
And when I die, I expect to find Him laughing 

Try to forget the 10 years that started on 9/12. And try to remember the best memorial we could build to the people that died in the twin towers and in that field in Pennsylvania is a world where neither Al-Qaeda or the United States military can find any recruits.

And maybe take a few minutes today to see if you can do a little to make it happen.


Anonymous said...

Finest thought and paragraph in the year 2011.

Từ Thanh Giác said...

My nephew survived. He did not listen to authority that said that the second tower was safe. He got on the elevator on the 86th floor. When it reached the 8th floor the plane hit and snapped the elevator cable. It was a fee fall like a Disneyland ride all the way to the sub basement. They formed a human chain to get out of the elevator shaft . When he got out he ran all the way to Brooklyn.

Anonymous said...

Old Mr. Ben Ladeen surely got the result he was looking for. His scheming forces a dumbo Prez into the clutches of Rummy and Cheny. The Military is compliant (no promotion this side of the ocean) and off we got to......Iraq For 10 years, uncountable treasure lost, GI's lost, tottering world economy... where was Mr. BLD?
Afghanistan....oop's. Well, at least we have Iran surrounded.


Anonymous said...

Surely, DM, as aware as you are, you would know that XTC's "Dear God" would fit into this theme also.