Friday, May 27, 2011

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.

Rest in peace Gil Scott Heron:


Casey said...

My introducton to Mr. Scott-Heron came about in the early to mid-eighties. My dad brought home a used book he bought from a library sale that was a collection of poems by black writers. I absolutely fell in love with the writings of Langston Hughes. In my search for more jazz poetry style writings like that of Mr. Hughes I happened upon Gil Scott-Heron. I wish I still had that book. I can still picture it. It was a very seventies green and yellow hardcover book, no dust jacket, that I adorned with a puffy flower sticker. Ahh, memories!

Brett said...

I remember seeing a bumper sticker a couple years back that said "even on drugs, rush is right", I definitely don't agree with that statement, but I think "even on crack, Gil was right" would be way more suitable.