Thursday, February 23, 2006

Where the Hell Have I Been?

Has it really been 9 months since I've tended to my little blog garden? Damn how time flies. I could have gotten laid and had a little drugnazi by now. My first thought when I came back to take a look was; "What the hell is up with all this spam in the comments?" Like 5 e-mails a day in my in box offering me Viagra isn't enough. I cannot escape.

So where the hell *have* I been anyway? Well I'll tell you. At least since the beginning of the new year, I've been dealing with hoards of angry and/or confused old people who can't understand why their meds are no longer covered, or why they're getting charged way to much for them. You've heard about the new Medicare drug coverage. It's a cluster fuck only Satan himself could have designed, yet more proof that the Republicans responsible for it are the spawn of the evil one. You wanna know why pharmacists have the second-highest suicide rate of any profession? (I think lawyers are first, that fact shouldn't need explaining, and quite honestly it's a trend that I think should be encouraged) I'll tell you why. All the responsibility, none of the control. No one asked me what I thought when this turd bill was working it's way through Congress. And although me and anyone who's ever worked in a drugstore knew this thing was gonna be a train wreck as soon as we heard about it. We weren't consulted or offered pork for our home districts or threatened while voting was held open for 2 hours in violation of House rules by the Republican leadership. As a matter of fact, last election I went to my nearest swing state and walked precincts until my knees were sore, stuffed envelopes until I had quite the collection of paper cuts and made phone calls through a massive head cold precisely to get these assholes OUT of power. After it was over I went back to my room full of pills bitter and convinced that if the American people were so stupid as to want to be ruled by corpro-fascists, then that was THEIR problem and THEY deserved what THEY would get. I was just gonna mind my own business and have no sympathy for them.

Then the first of the year. The swarms of confused blue hairs angry at me for the policy implemented by the people I tried to stop. And I know they have a right to be angry, and I have no choice but to tell them they are expected to pay way too much for their meds now. Many people will try and tell you politics doesn't matter. Well I see it matters every time I go to work. I tried to embrace a personal isolationism after the election. It doesn't work. You cannot escape.


Anonymous said...

Actually, dentists are the most suicidal by profession.

Anonymous said...

I wonder when this blog post was wrote...for some reason while all the other blogs have a date prominently stamped on them-this has only the time. So...I got creative and thought maybe the comments would have a date. No such luck. Although all wasn't lost because I learned Dentists are the most suicidal profession which is intereting enough it gives me something to Google later should I ever quit reading your blog.
Drugmonkey-Im not sure how I stumbled on to your blog. I am a 30yr old labor nurse. Ive currently joined the travel industry and am about to finish my first 13 wk contract. When you have a "tax home" (a place you keep all your stuff, possibly a bank, handle most of your affairs) you are given a pretty generous "housing subsidy" to pay for your housing/furnishings/utilities while on assignment. The plan for about 6 months now was to move in with my boyfriend of about a year and take an assignment in Chicago for my next contract. Then I could work, have a place to live, and pocket all the housing money. But as life tends to go apparently my boyfriend decided now would be a good time to call the relationship quits. Again-no clue how I stumbled upon this blog but I have done nothing besides read your blog while being a little high on Norco for about three days straight now. I have a basement apartment here on assignment with no windows in the bedroom so its rather easy to never know what time it is and curl up with my bottle of Norco, a box of fudgesicles, my laptop, and my pillow and get lost in your blog. And while the Norco tends to make me sleepy-my cycle of medicate, eat, read, sleep has been the ONLY thing that has gotten me through this break up. Its weird how you can affect people you've never met. Im sure your blog never intended to heal the broken-hearted nurse from Indiana but its been instrumental. I cant believe you have so much material and write so well that I haven't gotten sick of it yet! I have been reading the "wacky customers" section and I fear Ill be done soon and start repeating. I know at some point you get fired from Rite Aid and start your own pharmacy but Im not reading in order...but Im just now starting the process of healing so Ive got a great deal more reading in me.
Anyways-just wanted to let you know you made a difference. My last bad break up was when I discovered Dr. G Medical Death Examiner on TLC and she got me through the long lonely nights. Thanks for being there this time!