Monday, November 26, 2007

The Ten Millionth Sign I Have Seen Of The Impending Collapse Of Civilization......This Month.

"Thank you for calling corpo-pharmacy, may I help you?"

"Yes.....I was just at the counter, and I realized I forgot to say thank you"

I remembered seeing my keystone tech wait on this woman 5 minutes ago. The reason she didn't say thank you.....or anything else..... to the real people in her world was that she was busy chatting on her cellphone.

She still was. I looked up and saw that she was calling from the other side of the store.


Anonymous said...

You really can't say anything to that, can you?

>> And I hope one day to make it to the ranks of keystone tech.. one day..

Season said...

Perhaps she has some strange social phobia that only allows her to interact with people through the phone...

The little tech that does... said...

I wish we could install a device that would scramble the cell phone signal when people are within about three feet of the counter. I know we would get their full attention then!

Pharmer Mike said...

There is such a device... It's called a taser! Although it doesn't so much scramble the cell phone signal as much as it scrambles the eggs if the idiot on the phone. ...... "This is your empty head.... This is your empty head on phone ... b~z~z~z~!..... any questions?"

We just ignore them until they hang up.... And if they get shitty about it while they're on the phone, I rudely say "Nobody's going to help you until you hang up!" .... Boss hates it, but fuck'im... He knows I'm right.

Anonymous said...

There is such a device called a cell phone jammer. Google it. If I wasn't married(meaning money is strapped down) I would buy one in a snap. They produce a "bubble" of interference around the device. The things are expensive though and they are illegal to operate.

Anonymous said...

My tech and I watched a woman pull into our drive-thru and talk on her cell phone for 5 minutes with the windows rolled up. We left. Eventually, she rang the buzzer for help and had the audacity to sound peeved because no one was there to help her.

Anonymous said...

I had a lady call the store while in Lane Two...I was helping Lane One. She wanted me to help her RIGHT THEN.

Just like I pressed "HANG UP" on the ring when she called the drive-thru intercom...I told her, "I'll help you as soon as I'm done with Lane One"
