Thursday, September 14, 2006

An Unhealthy Obsession Fulfilled

From the moment I first saw a blog with categories, I seethed with jealousy. I knew then the only reason that Big Pharma was allowed to run amok, the reason that Republicans continued to be in any position of power anywhere in this country, the reason there is one ounce of stupidity left anywhere on this planet, was because my writings were not as easy to sort through as they should be. I wrote many a hate mail to to curse them for putting any kind of barrier between my wisdom and you, the people who so desperately need it. I tried some half-ass hack for awhile that was supposed to be able to put categories in a blogger blog. Some of you have probably noticed it usually didn't work and when it did it never worked well. I almost moved my little blog garden once, but in the end, laziness prevailed and it was you, the public, that suffered. For that I apologize.

Today I am happy to report that if you look at the top of the page under the picture of me that really isn't me, you will see all my online thoughts neatly organized into 4 broad categories. It would seem that the people at blogger have finally realized that the best way to stop my 300 page hate filled diatribes fed-ex'd overnight to their corporate headquarters is to stop calling the police and give me what I want. They have added the ability to easily tag posts to the new beta version, and while I am happy for the moment, I am sure in the long run this move will only encourage me to make ever more unreasonable demands of them. Until then, feel free to browse.

1 comment:

Chloe said...

It must be said...
That is all.